A very big decision plagued my mind and my heart, for over a year. To leave the restaurant industry that has been my bread and butter for over 30 years. I meditated on it, I prayed about it, I am, after all, 58 years old. I don’t have any savings, no retirement, no rainy day fund, or safety net to fall back on, and not enough time to put those things in place in order to make the decision to leave my job.
I loved my job for so many years, and most everything about it too! I thought it might have been my calling, and you know it was for the time it needed to be. I can remember times when I thought about doing something different, but I would be filled with a sense of panic in my heart, in my bones.
But it was killing me or so it felt like it. Have you ever felt this way? Especially about a job you’ve always loved. And really, can “an old dog learn a new trick”? Oh I knew what I wanted to do, without doubt but I never for one moment thought that my true passion could be my career. And truth be told - I honestly didn’t think I had the discipline it takes to run my own business.
But in true “Tami” fashion, I did it. I quit! I gave a 30 day notice. I jumped off the edge of safety and security landing right into a world of color and brush strokes, and graphite stained hands. I am filled with uncertainty, a tiny bit of self doubt, a healthy dose of fear but you know what? I am mostly filled with faith. Faith in God, faith in myself, faith in my talent, faith in the colors and in the brush strokes.
So here I am, almost a week has passed since my last day of work, a day filled with hopeful calm and some tears as goodbyes can be hard. But as I sit here on my terrace in the breeze, surrounded by sunshine and palm trees, my happy dogs at my feet, my heart is filled with joy! My smile is crinkling my whole face.